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Explore My Work

Welcome to my portfolio. I am thrilled you’ve come to visit my showcase of work that I’ve compiled over the years, which includes a combination of collaborations, commissioned work and personal projects. Take a look and feel free to get in touch if you’d like to discuss potential opportunities to work together.


I have used the Unity Game Engine for some time now, which allowed me to learn C# whilst studying my undergraduate degree at the University of Sunderland. I am currently studying a Masters Degree in Computer Games Engineering at Newcastle University, where I am mainly focusing on C++ and how games work, more than the development side of the games. Understanding these fundamentals has allowed me to become better at my work and understand more about games in general.


Some of my person hobbies and interests include, playing Golf, going to the gym and play video games. Being able to play golf more over the past few years has allowed me to take time for myself and be able to get some fresh air in my daily life. Playing golf and going to gym link together, due to it allows me to become better at golf whilst exercising regular which is a benefit in itself. Playing Video games in my past time, develops my understand on how these games are made and give me ideas for how I could create games. My favourite game current is F1 2021, I enjoy the aspect of driving the cars with a racing wheel, since I allows me to feel more immersed within the game.

About Me: Welcome
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